Basic National League Rules & Practices 1885-1893 / Overhand to 60' 6" Era |
1885 |
1886 |
1887 |
1888 |
1889 |
1890 |
1891 |
1892 |
1893 |
Balls |
6 |
7 |
5 |
5 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
Strikes |
3 |
3 |
4 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Ball |
Ball |
Take Base |
Take Base |
Take Base |
Take Base |
Take Base |
Take Base |
Take Base |
Ball |
No Count |
No Count |
No Count |
No Count |
No Count |
No Count |
No Count |
No Count |
No Count |
Tip Catch |
Out |
Out |
Out |
Out |
Strike |
Strike |
Strike |
Strike |
Strike |
Zone Request |
Yes |
Yes |
No / Knees to Shoulders |
No / Knees to Shoulders |
No / Knees to Shoulders |
No / Knees to Shoulders |
No / Knees to Shoulders |
No / Knees to Shoulders |
No / Knees to Shoulders |
Pitch |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
3rd K - 1st Base Occ. / Less than 2 out |
Batter Live |
Batter Live |
Batter out (after 4 strikes) |
Batter Out |
Batter Out |
Batter Out |
Batter Out |
Batter Out |
Batter Out |
Fly Rule |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Box (boxes to have four courner markers) |
50' / 4'x6' measured from center of home |
50' / 4'x7' measured from center of home |
50' / 4'x5' 6" measured from center of
home |
50' / 4'x5' 6" measured from center of
home |
50' / 4'x5' 6" measured from center of
home |
50' / 4'x5' 6" measured from center of
home |
50' / 4'x5' 6" measured from center of
home |
50' / 4'x5' 6" measured from center of
home |
60' 6" / 12" rubber slab / measured to the back of home |
Restrictions |
Pitcher to keep both feet on ground during
delivery |
Pitcher no longer had to keep both feet
on ground during delivery |
Pitcher to keep rear foot on back line
of box |
Pitcher to keep rear foot on back line
of box |
Pitcher to keep rear foot on back line
of box |
Pitcher to keep rear foot on back line
of box |
Pitcher to keep rear foot on back line
of box |
Pitcher to keep rear foot on back line
of box |
Pitcher pitched from rubber |
Plate |
12" square rubber / In fair territory /
pointing toward pitcher & catcher |
12" square rubber / In fair territory /
pointing toward pitcher & catcher |
12" square rubber / In fair territory /
pointing toward pitcher & catcher |
12" square rubber / In fair territory /
pointing toward pitcher & catcher |
12" square rubber / In fair territory /
pointing toward pitcher & catcher |
12" square rubber / In fair territory /
pointing toward pitcher & catcher |
12" square rubber / In fair territory /
pointing toward pitcher & catcher |
12" square rubber / In fair territory /
pointing toward pitcher & catcher |
12" square rubber / In fair territory /
pointing toward pitcher & catcher |
Returning to base on foul ball on ground |
Runner could be put out by throwing to
pitcher first and then to the base. Pitcher did not need to be in the box |
Runner could be put out by throwing to
pitcher first and then to the base. Pitcher did not need to be in the box |
Runner could return freely |
Runner could return freely |
Runner could return freely |
Runner could return freely |
Runner could return freely |
Runner could return freely |
Runner could return freely |
bats first |
Coin toss / Home team calls the toss |
Coin toss / Home team calls the toss |
Home team captain's choice |
Home team captain's choice |
Home team captain's choice |
Home team captain's choice |
Home team captain's choice |
Home team captain's choice |
Home team captain's choice |
Other Notes |
Bases straddle foul lines |
Bases are now within fair territory |
Umpire moves behind pitcher with runners
on base and returns to side of catcher when bases clear |
Catchers "mitt" era begins |